The state’s largest regional show will run from October 19 to 22, with ‘Jack’s Day’ returning on the 19th, offering free entry for the Thursday only.
“It’s full steam ahead for this year, we’re coming back bigger and better than ever,” Royal Geelong Agricultural and Pastoral Society President, Tom McCann said.
“Last year, after a two-year hiatus, we got the event up,” he said.

Despite it being the corresponding weekend to last year’s rain-affected show, Mr McCann is hoping for more luck weather-wise this year.
“I don’t think we were expecting as much (rain) as we had last year,” he said.
“Certainly, Geelong Show has a bit of a notorious reputation for having a bit of a wet day.
“We’re going to make sure there are a few more indoor activities and things that are bit better covered.
“We’re putting a bit more preparation into the carpark so that it can take a bit more rainfall.”
Mr McCann said to expect more of the most popular entertainment, rides, and attractions with the monster trucks making a return, while fireworks displays are set to light up the night again.

Organisers are also hoping to increase the more ‘traditional’ aspects of the show, looking to introduce more livestock and get back to the ‘grassroots’ attractions.
Mr McCann has put the call out to locals looking to volunteer or hold stalls at the event, to approach organisers soon.
“We’re certainly looking for people to help us put on this event as always.
“And there’s plenty of room for local people with sites and ideas for stalls and things to come forward, we’ve still got plenty of opportunity for that.
“We’d love to hear from local people to make it our local show.”
Anyone interested can email the show at: info@royalgeelongshow.org.au
Images: Geelong Broadcasters (D. Gray).