
Local high school introduces ‘no hat, no play’

March 18, 2024 8:22 am in by
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Students at a Geelong secondary school will face detention if they fail to wear hats outdoors on days with high UV ratings.

Although it has been mandatory in primary schools for years, Matthew Flinders Girls Secondary College is one of the first high schools in Victoria to introduce the ‘no hat, no play’ rule for students in years seven and above.

The school will give students two terms to adjust to the changes but the rule will come into full force from the start of term four.

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Hats will be compulsory for all students – and staff – whenever they are outdoors, including during sport and school excursions, on days where the UV rating is three or above.

The school says students, the school council and Cancer Council Victoria were consulted before a final decision was made.

The Victorian Department of Education’s sun protection policy requires schools to take reasonable steps to minimise exposure to UV radiation, however it does not mandate hats in secondary schools.
