
Lost Grebe’s

July 18, 2023 7:45 am in by

Over 90 aquatic birds have been found stranded in Victoria, including Modewarre and Fyansford.

The Great crested Grebe’s traditionally migrate from inland freshwater areas to coastal areas around this time of year, but Dr Natalie Rourke from Werribee Open Range Zoo says the birds, which are acclimatised to life on water, are getting increasingly lost.

“They fly at night and we believe that they’re getting confused about shiny surfaces like swimming pools or solar panels,” she said.

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If they end up on land Grebe’s struggle to take off again, leaving them vulnerable to predators.

“The reason we are seeing so many is that there has been a massive population boom in their breeding area because we’ve had three really wet years,” Dr Rourke said.

Zoos Victoria is encouraging people who may find the birds to contact Wildlife Victoria or their local vet.

Image: Over 90 Great crested Grebe’s have been found stranded (supplied).
