
Carlon calls it a day

August 21, 2023 2:49 pm in by
Modewarre co-coach Chris Carlon is stepping down. (Marcel Berens/Sports Media Image)

Modewarre co-coach Chris Carlon made the tough call to step down, only moments after his team was bundled out of the Elimination Final by Anglesea at Portarlington on Saturday.

But Carlon said it wasn’t a spur of the moment decision, revealing it was due to private family health matters and has been given a lot of consideration.

“I had a conversation with the club a few weeks ago and hadn’t necessarily put a line through coming back next year, but just the way things had worked out and just with what we’ve got going on at home, it was the right decision to step down now and spend some time with the family,” Carlon said.

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He reiterated that he would have stayed with the club to see out the finals had they got through to the Semi.

“I certainly didn’t want to disrupt the group and how well they were going in any way,” he said.

“It definitely wasn’t about me, it was about the players and just letting them finish the season.”

Carlon said there were two major highlights of his coaching at Modewarre.

“Being part of the 2018 premiership coaching staff was a big highlight,” he said.

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“It was a long time coming for me, I’d been coaching for a long time and hadn’t had that sort of success, so it was great to be part of the club on that day, and to be part of the coaching staff was the biggest highlight of the four years I’ve had at the club.

“Josh Finch’s milestone game this year, his 300th, beating Barwon Heads at home, from a senior coaching standpoint is going to be a highlight that I’ll treasure for a long time.

“Josh’s obviously a very celebrated footballer and it was great to get a really good and memorable win for the club on that day.”
